Teach Splunk to automatically extract fields from your data, by just highlighting text!
Video Walk-through of this app!
Supports remote indexes and fixed debugging notice.
Fixed bug when it couldn't find indexes by added support for remote indexes.
updated corner case
Updated modern look.
update packaging
update package
fixed long standing highlighting bug.
Major speed up in getting started, working on regex. Previously the app did a great deal of work to find existing defined regexes, even if the regexes are defined in a different stanza. Now this is an option turned off by default.
All working now.
Adds Workflow actions so you can go directly from an event to working on its sourcetype's field extractions
Fixes error when existing saved regexes are invalid.
Added workflow action to go from search results directly to the field extractor! Updated feedback link.
Now you go directly to field extraction from an event with the addition of "Extract Fields (new)" workflow action. When looking at search results on the Splunk search page, find a particular event you wish extract fields from, and select the triangle of actions to the left of the event. You'll be jumped into the new Field Extractor interface pre-filled out with the sourcetype and index of your event.
fix problem with logins
Updated to prevent CSRF.
Fixed problem encountered when a fieldname starts with numbers.
Fixed problems on Windows that prevented field extraction.
Please give feedback!
- more streamlined and intuitive workflow
- added app and index settings
- busy animated gif while page is reloading
- moved common options onto screen, out of options dialog.
- added ? icon with tooltip help
- added "result type": latest, diverse, or outliers, to better show sample events that cover more of the data.
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